Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

ShareParty Privacy Policy

In order to protect your personal data and provide better services, ShareParty has established a privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "Privacy Policy") in compliance with the “Personal Data Protection Act” of the Republic of China. We hereby provide you with information about the services offered by ShareParty and how the website collects personal data from online users, the scope and use of such data, and how to make inquiries or corrections to protect your rights. Please read this Privacy Policy for details.

  1. Scope of Application

    1. This Privacy Policy applies to ShareParty's website, digital products, mobile applications, online message service and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").
    2. This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, processing and use of your personal data in connection with your use of the Services. This includes personal data requested from you by the Services when you register as a member or personal data collected in the course of your use of the Services and your consent to the Services. Personal data means information that identifies you, including, but not limited to, your name, age, gender, e-mail, telephone number, address, website usage preferences and browsing history, etc.
    3. This Privacy Policy will be supplemented by a privacy policy or statement specific to a particular network or service when such a policy or statement is available. This Privacy Policy also applies to users (including companies and residents under the GDPR) located in the Member States of the European Economic Area. It includes the processing of personal data relating to the provision of services in the Member States of the European Economic Area, and any personal data relating to the Member States of the European Economic Area.
    4. This Privacy Policy does not apply to related linked websites other than the Services. Where the Services are linked to the third party website, the privacy protection of such third party website is governed by the privacy policy of the third party website and ShareParty is not responsible for any collateral liability.
  2. Collection, processing and use of personal data

    1. The Services collect and use personal data for the purposes of marketing, consumer/customer management and services, information and communication services, other e-commerce services and customer behavior research services, advertising or business practice management, contractual/contractual-like or legal relationship management matters, collection, processing, and use of personal data by non-government agencies as defined by laws, or other business needs as specified in the business registration or articles of incorporation, etc.
    2. When you use the Services, ShareParty will ask you to provide the necessary personal data, depending on the functional nature of the Services, and will process and use your personal data within the scope of specific purposes. This includes collecting the data you provide or generate in the course of your use of the Services when you register as a member, use the Services, or participate in activities organized by the Services and its partners to provide you with a better quality of service. ShareParty or its affiliates or partners will use your personal data to the necessary extent to carry out ShareParty's business.
    3. The Services will retain your name, e-mail, contactinformation, and time of use when you use the mailbox service or other interactive features.
    4. When you use the Services, the Services server will automatically track the data you leave behind, including but not limited to IP location, Cookie data, time of use, browser of use, browsing or clicking history, and records of web pages you request to access. The above data will be used as a reference for the improvement of the contents and systems of the Services and the evaluation of advertising effectiveness.
    5. In order to manage the Services and provide the best personalized services, the Services may use Cookie technology to store certain information on your computer. When you use the Services, you are deemed to consent to the use of the Cookie feature, but you are free to restrict or disable specific Cookie features through your browser's settings or Cookie control options. When you turn off Cookies, some features of the Services may be restricted.
    6. During your use of the Services, the Services may use your personal data for the following purposes: To improve the contents of advertisements and web pages provided to you, to fulfill your requests for products and services, to notify you of special events or new products, to contact you, to conduct research, and to provide internal and external customers with market analysis or business reports that do not contain your personal data.
  3. Disclosure and protection of personal data

    1. ShareParty and the Services will not provide, rent, or sell your personal data to any unrelated third party or entity, and the private use of your personal data by internal staff is strictly prohibited, except in the following circumstances.
      • With your prior consent or authorization.
      • In accordance with the express provisions of the law.
      • When requested by a judicial institution or other competent authority through a lawful and formal procedure, cooperate with the competent authority's investigation or use as required by its authority or duties.
      • When your conduct on the Services violates the User Terms of the Services or may harm or prejudice ShareParty's rights or cause damages to any person, it is imperative to take the necessary steps to respond to such circumstances.
      • In order to offer the products or services you have requested, ShareParty provides data to partners who have signed confidentiality agreements to perform business on ShareParty's behalf.
    2. ShareParty and the Services will store and use your personal data appropriately. If you need ShareParty and the Services to stop collecting, processing, using or deleting your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, please contact ShareParty's mailbox. When you request the cessation or deletion of your personal data, you are deemed to have requested the termination of your use of ShareParty Services.
    3. According to the Personal Data Protection Act and related laws, ShareParty and the Service will retain your data until the purposes for collection of the data no longer exist, or until you delete the user account voluntarily, or when we receive your formal request to stop or delete your personal data (whichever earlier or the actual situation). Once any of said circumstances occurs, ShareParty and the Service will confirm whether you have joined in any special activities or used specific functions related to the Service, including but not limited to, 2(b) the special activities offering rewards or partnered with third parties in connection of the Service; 2(c) mailbox or other interactive functions of the service. We may retain the data needed for rewards claiming of the activity and certain personal identity data, pursuant to applicable laws, within a specific time limit. The Company retains the data, in order to prevent any unethical, speculative or abuse conduct, such as repeated applications for accounts to exchange for rewards, fulfill the obligation to provide regulatory report and audit service based on the operating needs, and also maintain or exercise related legal rights.
    4. The Services are equipped with firewalls, anti-virus systems, other related information security equipment, and necessary security measures to protect the Services and your personal data with strict protection measures; only authorized staff can access your personal data. The relevant staff has signed a confidentiality agreement, and any breach of confidentiality obligations will be subject to legal penalty.
    5. ShareParty and the Services will ensure an adequate security measures to protect against unauthorized access, manipulation, disclosure or destruction of data, including internal audits of data collection, storage, processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the systems in which the Services store personal data. However, the transmission of data over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. Although the Services strive to protect the security of your personal data with respect to the Services, but cannot ensure the security of the data you transmit or receive from the ShareParty service platform because the data transmission process involves the soundness of security of your Internet environment. You should be aware of and bear the risk of data transmission.
  4. Exercise the right to access, right to rectification, right to be forgotten, right to restriction of processing, data portability and right to object, etc.

    1. Unless otherwise provided in the GDPR or other governing laws, you may use the ShareParty correspondence mailbox to contact ShareParty to exercise your right of access, right to rectification, right to be forgotten/data erasure, right to restriction of processing, data portability, right to object, etc. ShareParty and the Services will address your requests as soon as possible after you have assisted in providing accurate and reliable information, assisted the Services in reviewing personal identity and data, and fulfilled your obligations under applicable laws.
  5. Revisions to this Privacy Policy

    1. In order to protect your privacy, ShareParty will revise and update the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time due to the amendment of laws and regulations, the development of related technologies and the adjustment of an internal management system. You should read this Privacy Policy carefully when using the Services. If you continue to use the Services after any revisions or changes to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have agreed to accept the revisions and changes to this Privacy Policy.
    2. Contact Us: If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact the ShareParty correspondence mailbox, [email protected].

ShareParty Terms of service

You are welcome to use ShareParty's website, digital products, mobile applications, online messaging services and other related services ("Services" or "Site" or "App"), which are operated by Easy Key 2 Asia Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Company or us), in accordance with the following "ShareParty - Membership Terms of Service" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms"). In order to protect your rights, please read these Terms and the Privacy Policy, as well as other Terms that will be announced in the future, when you start to use the Services, and you must abide by the following Terms.

  1. Acceptance of the Terms

    1. When you become a member of the Services or start to use the Services, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of the Terms and fully accept the existing and future derived or changed service contents of the Services. In addition, when you use the Company's specific services, you may be required to comply with the Company's separately announced membership Terms or related regulations depending on the nature of the specific services. Such separately announced Terms or related regulations are incorporated as part of the Terms.
    2. The Company has the right to amend the Terms at any time and the amended Terms shall take effect immediately upon the date of public posting and shall supersede the previous Terms. Your continued use of the Company's Services constitutes your acceptance of such amendments. When you use specific Services of the Company, you are subject to the guidelines and rules of public posting (and re-posting from time to time) of that specific Services. These guidelines and rules form part of the Terms of Service.
    3. Where you are a legal minor, in addition to satisfying said requirements, you are not allowed to apply, register or access the Service until you have your legal representative (guardian) read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions herein, as amended from time to time; and you will be deemed to have guaranteed to the Company that you have obtained the prior consent of your legal representative (guardian) when you complete the relevant application or begin using the Services.
  2. Service description

    1. You understand and agree that the Services may include necessary advertisements for the Company to provide the Services. You understand and agree that the Services may include certain notices from the Company, such as service announcements and administrative messages, which are part of the Services. Unless otherwise expressly provided, any new features added to or enhancements made to the Services (including new products introduced) are subject to the Terms.
    2. You understand and agree that the Services are provided on an "as is" basis. The Company shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the timeliness, deletion, transmission errors, or failure to store any user communications or personal settings.
    3. We reserve the right to suspend the Services in whole or in part for repair, maintenance, update or other work as we deem appropriate. You are responsible for obtaining the Services yourself and for any third-party costs associated with them (such as Internet providers or hourly rates), including costs associated with the display or transmission of advertisements. In addition, you must provide and are responsible for all necessary equipment required to access the Services.
  3. Description of the Services

    1. All information or services provided through the Company, including all contents on the Site, any applications and platform services provided through the Company, the text, images, audio and video thereof, are the property of the Company or other legal rights holders, and the Company and other legal rights holders reserve all rights. Users are prohibited from forwarding text, images, audio and video in any form to third parties. The Company reserves the right to pursue legal actions against any infringing party.
    2. The Company may obtain personal data from users when providing the Services. The use and storage of users' personal data is in accordance with the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy). Users have the right to request a copy of their personal data records stored in the Company's systems through written inquiry. In order to ensure the privacy of the user’ personal data, the Company may ask the person requesting a copy of the personal data records to provide proof that authenticates the identity of the user.
    3. In accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Company will not disclose the personal data of users to any third party except with your consent or to assist governmental agencies in their investigations; however, the Company has the right to inform users of the membership services or promote the Company's or advertising customers' products or services or event promotion information from time to time by SMS or email, newsletter, advertising letter or other means.
    4. The reception quality of the Services is subject to the prevailing network conditions. If the network is busy or blocked, users may be affected or interrupted in receiving the information and Services provided by the Company. The Company does not guarantee that the items in the Services will meet your requirements and will be stable, error-free and uninterrupted, and users should understand that they bear any risk and any losses or damages that may arise from using the Services; the Company does not guarantee that any data and files downloaded from the Company's Applications will be free of viruses and harmful software. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused by viruses or harmful software. The Company shall not be liable for any damages to your computer system or loss of data or other losses caused by the malfunction or damage of the network system, hardware or software of our partners, suppliers or related carriers or by the negligence or error of others during operations, resulting in interruption of the Services, temporary unavailability, delay, data transmission or storage errors, or by third party intrusion for tampering or falsification of data. You are solely responsible for and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any damages and losses arising from the use of the Software. The Company shall not be liable for direct or indirect damages arising from downloading Applications from the Services.
    5. Users are responsible for Internet access charges and other data transmission fees, whether transmitted over the Internet (e.g., a fixed dial-up network, broadband, etc.) or data services provided by mobile phone service providers (e.g., GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc.) or other wireless Internet services (WiFi) transmission. The mobile carrier will charge you for authenticating your cell phone, downloading software, browsing the App and other services through the mobile carrier's network. Such charges are subject to the Terms and conditions of the contract between you and the individual mobile carrier. The Company shall not be responsible for any contract entered into between the user and the individual mobile carrier.
    6. Fair Use Policy: In order to ensure that we provide high quality services to our users, the Services are governed by this Fair Use Policy and you should not use the Services in the following circumstances, including but not limited to:
      • On any automated machine-to-machine application.
      • Any action that adversely affects the Company’s ability to provide, complete or maintain the quality of the network or other services.
      • Any intentional improper use of the Services that causes loss or damage to the Company, such as using the Services for commercial purposes or reselling the Services.
      • Use the Applications on any mobile device (including but not limited to cell phones, tablet computers and wearable devices) that are not owned or controlled by you.
      • If the Company believes that a user has violated the Terms, we have the right to immediately terminate the user's usage of some or all of the Services and take appropriate action to stop the violation.
      • In reasonable circumstances, the Company has the right to require the user to reduce the amount of usage if the user overuses. If no improvement is made, the Company shall have the right to limit the usage and charge the user additional fees, or suspend/terminate the Services.
    7. The Company has the right to suspend or terminate all the user's accounts for the Services provided by the Company or terminate all contracts for the Company's information services if the user uses the Services in any of the following circumstances, and the user will bear all legal responsibilities; and the Company will refuse to provide all information services to that user while the suspension period is still in effect.
      • Anyone who steals, alters, or destroys the Company's information.
      • Anyone who reproduces service information for resale or re-printing without permission.
      • Anyone who retrieves our resources that is not officially opened or authorized by the Company.
      • Anyone who endangers communications or affects the rights of other customers.
      • Anyone who affects the operations of the system or burdens the system, or interferes with the Applications or their related software, hardware or servers.
      • Anyone who violates the laws of his or her country or region of residence.
      • Log in to more than three different accounts through a single device.
    8. Membership registration:
      You agree to the following:
      • You shall provide accurate, precise, current and complete data about yourself as prompted by the contents of this service registration (the foregoing data is hereinafter referred to as "Member Data").
      • You shall maintain and immediately update the “Member Data” to ensure that it is correct, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any data that is incorrect, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading, or if the Company has reasonable grounds to suspect that the foregoing data is incorrect, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading, the Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse all or part of your present and future use of the Services. The Company cares about the safety and privacy of all users (especially children).
      • The contents of the Services for individual members may be adjusted in response to operational needs.
      • The Company's retention or use of "Member Data" and other data about you is governed by laws relating to personal data and the provisions of the Company's “ShareParty-Privacy Policy”. For the full text of the Privacy Policy, please refer to: Privacy and security
    9. Member account, password and security
      • You need to set up an account and password to register for the Services, and each member can only register for one member account. We reserve the right to terminate the Services for any member account that the Company alone determines to be fake, irregularly registered or fraudulently used by another person. You understand that it cannot be changed once an account is set up, while passwords can be changed on the Services. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. You are solely responsible for all actions taken with your password and account, unless you can prove they are not attributable to you.
      • You should keep your account and password by yourself. If you find that your account and password have been used improperly, you should notify ShareParty immediately and help to provide specific evidence. However, the relevant measures taken by the Company are for the protection of members' rights and interests, and do not constitute any express or implied guarantee or liability to you. The Company shall not be liable for any compensation for the illegal use of the member account and password.
      • If you use a public computer or equipment in the Services, please log out your member account after each use. The Company cannot and will not be responsible for any losses or damages arising from your failure to comply with this provision.
    10. Member behavior
      • You understand and agree that the information, data, text, software, music, audio, photographs, images, video, messages or other materials posted on the Services or the Site ("User Contents"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the responsibility of the provider of the foregoing “User Contents”. Therefore, you are solely responsible for your actions on the Services and the Site, i.e., you will be solely responsible for any “User Contents” uploaded, posted, emailed or transmitted through the Services. The Company has no control over the “User Contents” posted through the Services and therefore does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, integrity or quality of the “User Contents”. You understand that you may be exposed to “User Contents” that are unpleasant, inappropriate, or objectionable by using the Services. In no event will the Company be liable for any User Contents, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any “User Contents”, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of posting, emailing or transmitting through the Services.
      • You agree not to use the Services for the following purposes:
        • Upload, post, email or transmit any “User Contents” that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, invasive, libelous, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, invasive of other's privacy, harmful or racially discriminatory, or morally objectionable.
        • Harm any person or institution in any way.
        • Impersonate any person or institution, including but not limited to the Company’s officers, editors, opinion leaders, moderators, or falsely state or lie about a relationship with any person or institution.
        • Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identity data in order to disguise the origin of any “User Contents” transmitted through the Services.
        • Upload, post or otherwise transmit any “User Contents” that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationship (e.g., internal data, proprietary and confidential data learned or disclosed as a result of an employment relationship and under a confidentiality agreement).
        • Upload, post or otherwise transmit “User Contents” that infringe any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other rights (hereinafter referred to as "Rights") of any person.
        • Upload, post or otherwise transmit any advertising letters, promotional materials, "junk mails," "spam," "chain letters," "direct marketing," or any other form of solicitation.
        • Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any data designed to interrupt, destroy or limit any computer software, hardware or communications equipment, including, but not limited to, TrojanHorses, worms, timebombs or cancelbots (hereinafter referred to as "Viruses"), or other computer codes, files and programs.
        • Destroy the normal flow of conversations, cause rapid screen movement, or prevent other users of the Services from typing, or adversely affect the ability of other users to participate in real-time communications.
        • Interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers and networks connected to the Services, or fail to comply with the rules, procedures, policies or regulations governing networks connected to the Services.
        • Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, national or international laws or regulations, or any provisions with legal effect.
        • "Stalk" or otherwise harass others.
        • Collect or store other users' personal data.
      • The Company is committed to the accuracy and completeness of User Contents, but we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in User Contents. You understand that the Company does not review User Contents in advance but that we and our designees have the right (but not the obligation) to refuse and remove any “User Contents” that may be provided through the Services at our sole discretion. Without being limited to the foregoing, the Company and our designees shall have the right to remove any “User Contents” that violate the Terms of Service and is otherwise objectionable. Your use of any “User Contents”, including reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the foregoing “User Contents”, is subject to your own evaluation and at your own risk. Accordingly, you agree that you may not rely on any “User Contents” created or accepted by the Company, including but not limited to other parts of the Services.
      • The Company operates on an instant upload basis. We do not control User Contents, messages or data on any “Communication Services” (telephone, email services, chat areas, and other communication facilities), and we, therefore, disclaim any liability in connection with any “Communication Services” and any actions resulting from your participation in any “Communication Services”. Due to the restrictions on the operations of the “Instant Upload Messages”, the Company is unable to fully monitor all messages. Therefore, all messages are the personal opinion of the commenter and not the position of this website, this App, or the Company. If any user finds a problem with a message, please notify ShareParty by email at [email protected]
      • You understand and agree that the Company may preserve or disclose “User Contents” if we determine that such preservation or disclosure is required by laws or regulations, or is reasonably necessary in good faith to:
        • Comply with legal proceedings.
        • Enforce the Terms of Service.
        • Respond to claims that any “User Contents” violate the rights of third parties or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company, its users, and the public.
        • You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Services, including your “User Contents”, may be transmitted over various networks and may be changed to meet and conform to the technical requirements of the network or device to which you are connected.
    11. Special warning for international use

      Because of the borderless nature of the Internet, you understand and agree to comply with all local regulations regarding online conduct and acceptable “User Contents”. In particular, you agree to comply with all relevant laws regarding the export of technical or personal data from the country or region in which you reside.

    12. Public data posted on the Site or the App
      • For purposes applicable to the Terms, "Publicly Accessible Areas of the Services" means areas that are generally available to the public, including discussion forums, message boards and mobile applications, etc.
      • Any User Contents that you upload, transmit, input or make available on the Services or in the Public Accessible Areas of the Services are deemed to be User Contents that you have authorized us to unconditionally use, adapt, reproduce, publicly broadcast, distribute, publish, publicly transmit, publicly post, translate, etc., to operate or market the Services and to sublicense such Contents to others without limitation as to the area and duration of the license. If you do not have the legal right to authorize others to do so, please do not upload, transmit, input or make available the Contents to the Services and the Site without permission. You shall ensure that the Company's use of the Contents does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, and you shall be liable for damages for any breach of the foregoing and any damage caused to the Company.
    13. Indemnification

      You understand and agree to be responsible for all your actions in using the Services and agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless for such actions. You also agree to indemnify and hold the Company and our partners harmless from any claim or demand by any third party arising out of or related to your use of the Services, User Contents provided or posted or transmitted by you through the Services, your violation of the Terms, or your violation of the rights of others, and to assist in resolving disputes.

    14. Prohibition of resale of the services

      You agree not to reproduce, resell, or use any part of the Services for any commercial purpose or the use of or access to the Services.

    15. General measures regarding use and storage

      The Company reserves the right to establish general measures and restrictions relating to the Services, including, but not limited to, the maximum period for which the Services will retain SMS messages, bulletin board contents or other uploaded “Contents”, the maximum number of SMS messages that can be sent or received within an account on the Services, and the maximum number of times you may use the Services (and the maximum duration of each use) during a specific period in general. You agree that the Company will not be liable for the deletion or failure to store any messages and other communications and other “Contents” that we maintain or transmit on the Services. You also agree that if you do not activate your account for more than 365 days, we have the right to terminate that account and the related rights.

    16. Modification and termination of the Services

      The Company may modify or terminate the Services (or any part thereof) temporarily or permanently at any time. You agree that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or termination of the Services.

      The Company may suspend or terminate your member account for any reason, including, but not limited to, prolonged non-use, breach of the Terms, etc. You understand and agree that if your use of the Services is terminated, the Company may delete your relevant data and shall not be liable to you or any third party.

    17. Transactions with advertisers

      The Company may provide advertising content with collaborative vendors provided by advertisers, product or service providers. You understand and agree that you should judge the suitability and truthfulness of the advertising contents at your own discretion and that the Company is not responsible for the contents of the advertising.

      Your communications or commercial dealings with advertisers on or through the Services, or participation in promotions, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other Terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with the foregoing transactions, are solely between you and the foregoing advertisers. The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature incurred as a result of any foregoing transactions or the presence of the foregoing advertiser on the Services.

    18. Link

      The Services may provide links to websites or resources provided by other third parties, the contents of which are the sole responsibility of the respective operators and are not under the management of the Services. Because the Company has no control over the foregoing websites or resources, we cannot guarantee the quality, accuracy or legality of the contents provided on the foregoing websites or resources. You understand and agree that you should exercise your own discretion in determining whether to make use of the foregoing external websites or resources and that the Company is not responsible for third party links. You further agree that the Company shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any “Contents”, goods or services available on or through any websites or resources mentioned earlier.

    19. Disclaimer
      • Our obligations with respect to the Services under the Terms are limited to the provisions of the relevant Services to you with reasonable skill and care. You understand and agree that the Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
      • You understand and agree that your use of the Services is at your sole risk. The Company makes no guarantees, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights.
      • You understand and agree that the Company does not guarantee that:
        • The Service will meet your requirements.
        • The Services are uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free.
        • The results obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable.
        • Any products, services, information or other materials purchased or obtained by you through the Services will meet your expectations.
      • Whether to download or obtain any data through the use of the Services is at your own discretion and risk, you shall be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data resulting from downloading any data mentioned earlier.
      • No advice and information obtained by you from the Company or through the Services, whether written or oral, shall create any warranty not expressly set forth herein.
    20. Limitation of liability

      You understand and agree that the Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, derived or punitive compensations, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data loss or other intangible losses, arising out of:

      • The use or inability to use the Services.
      • The cost of purchasing any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained by or through the Services, or messages received, or substitute goods and services derived from transactions conducted.
      • Unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data.
      • The statements or conduct of any third party on the Services, or otherwise in connection with the Services (except as otherwise expressly provided in the Terms).
    21. Copyright and copyright agent

      The Company respects intellectual property rights. If you believe that your work has been reproduced in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us with the following information:

      • An electronic or physical signature of the person entitled to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest.
      • A description of the work that you claim has been infringed upon.
      • A description of the location of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon.
      • Your address, telephone number, and email address.
      • A statement that you believe in good faith that the use at issue is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the laws.
      • You declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner to make the above statement.
      • Please notify us of any infringement of intellectual property rights by emailing us at: [email protected]
    22. Copyright notice
      • The contents of the Services (including, but not limited to, the trademarks, services, logos, trade names, business designs and products, texts, images, audio and video) are copyrighted and owned by the Company or other rights holders. They are protected by Taiwan and international copyright laws, trademark laws, patent laws, and other relevant laws.
      • The contents of the Services and any information on the Website or App that may be viewed, listened to or otherwise obtained by the Company are provided for personal, non-commercial use only. Any commercial use or use outside the scope of fair use must be authorized by the right holder.
      • You may not alter, issue, publicly broadcast, reproduce, remake, disseminate, publicly perform, publicly display, publicly transmit, or have any unauthorized profit-making or non-profit-making conduct with respect to the contents of the Services or information obtained from the Website or App without the authorization of the Company or the right holder.
      • Users who post articles or contents on the Services by themselves agree to authorize to have the articles or contents stored in the Services’ domain for use by netizens for legal browsing.
      • The contents published in the Services may contain or establish related links, etc. The web pages or data pointed to by such links are provided by the linked websites, and the related rights are owned by such websites or legal rights holders. The Services do not guarantee their accuracy, timeliness or completeness.
    23. Account deletion policy

      You acknowledge and agree that you have right to delete the user account upon access to the Service, provided that you shall comply with the steps and policies on deletion of the account related to the Service and App.

      Upon your acknowledgement of an agreement to the circumstances arising upon deletion of the account, including but not limited to, prohibition of the re-application for the same account within specific time limit, a period of time and technical processing are needed by the Company subsequently, and the Company’s retention of certain data for legal purposes within specific time limit, you may click the option for deletion of account via the App or file an application for deletion of the account with the Company. The Company will proceed to confirm and process your application accordingly.

      You acknowledge and agree that, in consideration of the specific rewarding activity and interactive functions provided by the Service, upon your application for deletion of the account, the Company shall process your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and related App policies, provided that the Company reserves the right to retain the following data in connection with the specific rewarding activities or interactive functions pursuant to laws and for legal purposes:

      • Activity or plan offering a reward or prize: The Company reserves the right to retain your personal data provided to claim the prize under the activity, in order to prevent repeated registration for accounts to redeem rewards and any dishonesty, speculative or abusive conduct, and to fulfill the obligation to provide regulatory report and audit service based on operating needs.
      • Personal identity data related to identity verification of the user account: The Service and App verify your identity via your mobile phone number and email. Upon verification, you may claim the reward via your user account. The Company prohibits the same person from registering the account repeatedly or re-registering the account after deleting the previous one, in order to prevent any dishonesty, speculative or abusive conduct. In order to prevent aforementioned, and considering that deletion of data requires specific processing time, after you apply for deletion of the account, your personal data, such as email and mobile phone number, will only be deleted from the Company’s database after an estimation of 180 days. For the policy related to collection, processing, utilization, and retention of your personal data, please refer to the privacy protection policy.
  4. Validity of Individual Terms: The invalidity of all or part of the Terms shall not affect the validity of any other agreements.

  5. General Terms:

    1. The Terms and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company, govern your use of the Services, and supersede any prior agreements between you and the Company. Your use of the Service, third party contents or software shall also be subject to additional Terms and conditions that may apply.
    2. The laws of the Republic of China shall govern the interpretation and application of the Terms of Service, and any disputes relating to the Terms of Service, with the Taipei District Court of Taiwan as the court of the first instance.
    3. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to the use of the Services or the Terms of Service shall be filed within one year after the date of the foregoing claim or cause of action, or it shall never be filed.
    4. The Company reserves all rights to charge for the Services, including, but not limited to, the manner of charging, pricing, etc. You agree that you will not receive any refund if the Company suspends or terminates your account due to a breach of the Terms or any other Terms of service.
    5. These Terms are subject to final interpretation by the Company. The Company reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, subject to the latest version of the Terms of Use. Please refer to the most current version of the Terms of Service on our website.

Video Research Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Policy") is to inform you of how RealityMine Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "RealityMine") and Easy Key 2 Asia Limited (hereinafter referred to as "EK2A") represent Media Partners Asia Research Services Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MPA") to collect and process your personal data. MPA engages RealityMine and EK2A to provide software applications and data processing services for the purpose of setting forth in the Policy.

The Policy applies to all MPA respondents who agree to participate in the marketing research program (hereinafter referred to as "Program"), which includes downloading and installing RealityMine developed software applications (hereinafter referred to as "Applications") on their mobile devices or computers.

The term "Data Controller" refers to the MPA responsible for controlling the data, and the terms "we", "us," and "our" refer to RealityMine and EK2A, also known as Data Processors. They are responsible for processing the data. The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the Data Processor has appointed a Data Protection Manager (DPM). If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the DPMs of both parties will be happy to answer them for you. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you wish to make a request to exercise your legal rights, please contact the DPO or DPMs using the contact information below.

  1. Detailed contact information

    To learn more about our Privacy Policy or the way we process your personal information, please contact us through the following methods:

    Primary contact: The Data Controller MPA
    Full name of the legal entity: Media Partners Asia Research Services Pte. Ltd.
    Name or Title: The Data Protection Officer
    Email: [email protected]
    Mail address: 45A Amoy Street, Singapore 068971

    Additional contact: The Data Processor, RealityMine
    Full name of the legal entity: RealityMine Ltd.
    Name or Title: Data Protection Manager
    Email: [email protected]
    Mailing address and recipient: Data Protection Manager, RealityMine Limited.Warren Bruce Court, Warren Bruce Rd, Stretford, Manchester, M17 1LB, United Kingdom

    Additional contact: The Data Processor, EK2A
    Full name of the legal entity: EASY KEY 2 ASIA LIMITED
    Name or Title: Data Protection Manager
    Email: [email protected]
    Contact address and recipient: 5F-1, No. 88 Yanchang Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City

    The Privacy Policy complies with the relevant data protection regulations and you have the right to file a complaint at any time with the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) (, the regulatory agency for data protection matters in Singapore. Alternatively, you may contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) (, the regulatory agency for data protection matters in the U.K. In addition, this Privacy Policy is subject to the Personal Data Protection Act of Taiwan or the data subject’s home country.

    You have the right to contact the relevant regulatory agencies at any time. Still, we hope that you could contact us before contacting the regulatory agencies in order for us to assist you in matters of your concerns and worries about the usage of your data. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could contact us in the first instance.

  2. Privacy notice changes and your duty to inform us of data changes

    The accuracy and timeliness of the personal data we hold about you are very important. Please notify us immediately of any changes to your personal data during the period of cooperation between you and us.

  3. Information collection

    Information we hold:

    We may collect and hold personal and non-personal information about you as described below.

    Personal data or personal information refers to any personal-related data from which an identity can be named but does not include data from which the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

    We collect, use, store and transmit a variety of your personal data and categorize it as follows:

    1. Contact data includes email addresses and telephone numbers.
    2. Technical data includes the applications and websites you use, search terms you enter, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type and version, time zone settings and location, browser plug-in program type and version, operating system and platform, and other technical features on the Device you use.

    We do not collect any special types of personal data about you (including details on your race, religious and philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political views, union membership, and health, genetic and biometric data). We also do not collect any data about criminal convictions and violations.
    The way we collect information:

    We use different methods to collect data about you. The following details of how to use the Applications to collect data.

    The Applications collect "clickstream data" and collect diary/survey data after they have been set up. Clickstream data is the information that you and your Device generate as you browse the Internet and interact with a variety of websites, services and device features.

    This service will install the "Dashboard". The “Dashboard” is the software that collects the data mentioned above from your device. We will only use the data described in the Policy.

    The following types of information are collected by the Applications:

    1. Online browsing: It includes the websites you visit and the applications you use, including news sites, applications or social networks, and your interactions with each other.
    2. Online activity: It includes search terms you enter and the search results, videos you watch, products you purchase online, the information you enter into forms, contents you download or upload, advertisements you view, cookies of the websites you visit, information and contents on the websites you visit or applications you use, and interactions with applications, which may include your personal, financial, and health information, as described more detailed in the chapter below, "Protection of personal and sensitive information".
    3. System information: It includes information about your running Device and browser, including the IP address and phone number of your device, how the application works, and what other applications are installed or running on your Device.
    4. Mobile usage information: If you have downloaded and installed our Applications or VPN profile on your Device, we can collect information about your mobile device usage. Please note that this information is collected in the "backstage" and sent to us without further activation by you. We call this "passive tracking". Passive tracking can include the following types of information:
      • Information about your Internet browsing habits - the amount of time you spend browsing the Internet on your mobile device or computer, the websites you visit or applications you use, and all terms you search for.
      • Information about other applications and features you use on your mobile device (such as cameras, but we do not collect any photos), including the identity of the applications and features, when you download them, how often you use them, and how long you use them.
      • Information about the time you make or receive calls on your mobile device and the length of those calls. We do not collect or record the contents of your calls.
      • Information about text, SMS or multimedia messages you send or receive. We do not collect or record the contents of SMS or multimedia messages sent and received through your cell phone's operating system.
      • Information about when emails are sent and received on mobile devices.
      • Whether you make a phone call, send an email, SMS, or multimedia message, the RealityMine system "scrambles" the details of the number or email address of the counterparty, so we do not identify the actual phone number or email address of the party you are calling/sending a letter/texting message to; however, we can determine if the counterparty is a "contact" in your mobile device.
      • Information about the mobile device you have, such as the type of device, when and how long it is charged, battery status, and whether it is on, off, in standby, or in "flight" mode.
      • Information about the mobile network you use, the wi-fi network you are connected to, and the duration of your connection.
      • The amount of data downloaded to your mobile device, the number of times you download data, and the type of connection (wi-fi or mobile network) you use.
      • Information that can be inferred by combining the above information - such as which applications you are using before searching for specific information on your mobile device's web browser, or how often you call, email, or text to a specific contact, or the geographic location where you are most likely to charge your device, make a call, or download an application.
      • Operating system features that allow you to view application contents, such as accessing support services.
      • Your Device's advertiser ID or ad identifier.
    5. Information provided by you. In some instances, we may ask you to send us video, audio or image content. The contents sent may include personal information, such as an image format that can identify you.

    The above list covers examples of the types of data collected, but is not a complete list of all individual data elements.

  4. Protection of personal and sensitive information

    We have taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data from accidental loss, theft, or unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. In addition, only employees, agents, contractors and other third-party collaborative vendors with business needs will have access to your personal data. The aforementioned parties will process your personal data only in accordance with the instructions of the Data Controller and will assume responsibility and liability for confidentiality.
    We have developed ways to respond to any suspected leakage of personal data and are required by law to notify you and any applicable regulatory agencies of such violations.

  5. Cookies

    We may use the technology called "cookies" to collect certain information. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device through the browser. If you return to the site using the same device and browser, the site can recognize you through the cookie and store your preferences and other information.
    We use a temporary work-stage cookie during the download and registration process to correctly identify the marketing research team you have joined, add a unique anonymous identifier, and trigger the download process.
    We may use cookies outside of the Applications and link this information to other data in your personal file, including data collected through the Applications in use. You can modify your browser's settings to delete cookies and/or control how cookies operate. For more information, please refer to the “Help” description of your browser.

  6. How we use your data

    We will only use your personal data under lawful conditions. In general, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

    1. When we are about to enter into a contract to be performed or when the counterparty of the contract that has been entered into is the Data Controller who needs to process your personal data. By downloading the Applications, you agree to our processing of your data and acknowledge that we are processing your personal data in accordance with the contract you have entered into with the Data Controller.
    2. Where our legitimate interests (or those of our third party collaborative vendors) so require, and where your interests and fundamental rights do not override these interests.
    3. When we need to comply with laws and regulations or legal obligations.
    4. To evaluate the performance of our products and services and to determine the room for improvement in data analysis features.
  7. For the purposes for which we use your personal data

    We process your data according to our legitimate interests and ensure that our contract with the Data Controller is fulfilled.

  8. Purposes for which the Data Controller uses your personal data

    This chapter describes how your data (including web usage, application usage, demographic statistics, survey responses, and information we obtain from third party collaborative vendors) will contribute to the services provided by the Data Controller to its individual or multiple customers (hereinafter referred to as “Customers”). Generally speaking, the team members’ data will be merged into the consumer segment data and reported in an aggregate or categorized manner. A consumer segment is a group of users who share common interests or characteristics, such as “women aged 28-34 who want to use Netflix”. Once data is aggregated, the aggregated results and consumer segments are shared with the Customers of the Data Controller and other parties described in this Policy. In some cases, the Data Controller may share unaggregated results for restricted purposes. The following are examples of the types of services offered by the Data Controller and the ways in which your data may be used in these services:

    Advertising marketing - Your data is merged with other users' data into a customer data pool for analyzing the exposure of specific advertisements. The information in the merged data pool will not identify any specific users. It will be shared with the Data Controller for capturing and understanding how and to what extent advertising spending influences consumer journeys and decision making. For example, comparing the behavior of two user groups, one that has seen a specific online ad and the other that has not.

    Media usage analysis - Your data is merged with other users’ data to form a consumer segment that is shared with the Data Controller without any specific user information being identified in the data. We typically analyze these consumer segments on behalf of our Customers to understand where consumers are surfing the Internet and how they are interacting with digital media, including the website contents, applications, and advertisements they are viewing. For example, the Data Controller can help companies understand how effective their websites or applications are by comparing how users interact on their own websites or applications to those of their competitors.

    Creating a personal file - The Data Controller may obtain additional information about you from other public or private data sources, using personally identifiable information that you provide to us outside of the Applications, or using anonymous identifiers associated with you (such as IP addresses or similar identifiers). The data sources of these third-party collaborative vendors may provide the Data Controller with information about your online and offline purchases, information about your family and lifestyle, as well as broader demographic and personal history breakdowns. The Data Controller can merge this information with other information to add and improve the shared personal files described in this Policy. For example, by looking at web browsing activities and in-store purchase behaviors, the Data Controller's marketing research can determine whether members of a particular consumer segment visit particular websites in the course of researching a product (such as a television, computer, or automobile), but are more likely to visit a brick-and-mortar store. Such data helps the manufacturer or distributor of the products to better understand where to find Customers interested in their products.

    Consumer analytics - The data controller uses your data, either personally, identifiable information obtained directly by the Data Controller or through trusted third-party collaborative partners, to optimize and improve the consumer base on the Data Controller or its Customers. When Customers already have such information, the Data Controller uses personally identifiable information in this manner because it is often the only way to match the personal files held with the Customers’ personal files. Sometimes the Data Controller will collect information from your clickstream data, such as work-stage ID, and share that information with third-party collaborative vendors in order to match your information with information held by the third-party collaborative vendors as part of their services. While in these cases, the Data Controller will allow third parties and their Customers to use your information to enhance the overall consumer base and for advertising purposes, in the general course of your online activities, you will be a member of a broader consumer base and therefore will see specific advertisements created with the help of your data.

    Targeted surveys - Based on the data collected by the Applications, the Data Controller may send you invitations to participate in surveys based on your online activities. For example, if you visit a website that indicates that you enjoy traveling, the Data Controller may send you a survey about travel services. The Data Controller may provide some or all of the survey responses to its Customers, but will not provide information in the responses that can directly identify any particular user, including specific responses and quotes from individual respondents.

    The Data Controller may also use your information for the following purposes: To maintain the settings and proper functioning of the Applications, database or application services (such as customer support, email or surveys), and data quality maintenance and data cleanup.
    The Data Controller will collect information such as your name, telephone number, email address, year of birth, family information, income and gender directly from you during the registration process prior to the installation of the Applications or during participation in a survey or other services. Such kind of information is part of your consumer personal file and will be used as described above. The Data Controller will also contact you via the contact information you have left to provide information about application maintenance and updates as well as other service-related communication. In addition, for research purposes, our ShareParty research team may conduct in-depth interviews by telephone in the future. By joining the program and providing your contact phone number in the survey response, you consent to be interviewed by phone.

    When working with a third party collaborative vendor (such as a third party data provider) to supplement your personal file, to protect your privacy, the Data Controller will ask the data provider to sign a confidentiality agreement stating that personally identifiable information will not be shared with unauthorized parties. The Data Controller will give explicit instructions to the data provider to maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of the information we provide and not to use the information for purposes other than those expressly authorized.
    The Data Controller will share your information with authorized vendors and service providers in connection with the services they perform and prohibits third party collaborative vendors from using your information for other purposes.

  9. Additional disclosure of your information

    If we undergo a business transformation, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or part of our assets, your information will be part of the transferred assets.
    In order to conduct business partnerships and market research, you understand and agree that we may share your data with parties such as Kantar, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Nielsen, comScore, TreasureData, IPSOS, Intage, GMOR, TNL, AD2 and others. Any data shared will be limited to application or Web usage, e-commerce or media data. We do not share any personal and directly identifiable information, such as names, addresses or emails. If we share data with these organizations, we will comply with the relevant data protection regulations. For example, if we receive a request for data deletion, we will forward the request to these organizations, which must also delete the data in order to comply with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please follow the steps in this Policy to opt out of the program.
    We also reserve the right to disclose your information when we believe disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or to combat suspected fraudulent activities, in accordance with the laws, a court order, or a proceeding required legally.

  10. Removal of the Applications

    You may opt out of this survey program at any time by removing the Application from your Device. For instructions on removing the Applications, please read the instructions provided to you when you first join the survey and follow all of the detailed steps for removing the Application. However, the procedure for individual operating systems is outlined below:

    1. If you are using an Android mobile phone system, you can simply open “Settings”, scroll down to “Apps”, find ShareParty and click “Uninstall”.
    2. If you are using an iPhone, just click on the app icon. When the "X" appears on the top of ShareParty, click on the "X" to delete the App.
    3. If you are using a Windows device, find AnalyzeMe in “Programs and Features”, double-click it and open the installation wizard, then click “Uninstall”. After completing the above steps, the system will automatically remove all browser extension features.
    4. If you are using an OSX device, please force quit AnalyzeMe, drag and drop the App to the trash can, and then empty the trash can. After completing the above steps, the system will automatically remove all browser extension features.

    If you are unable to exit the data collection program in a quick and easy way, please let us know and we can assist you with the request. If you have any questions about removing the Application or exiting the program, please be sure to contact the Data Controller.

    If you have set your browser to "private browsing" or similar settings, the Application will continue to run, collect data, and send it to us. To completely stop the Application from running and stop collecting data from your Device, you must follow the steps described above to remove the Application.

  11. Data security

    We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from accidental loss, theft, or unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. In addition, only employees, agents, contractors and other third-party collaborative vendors with business needs will have access to your personal data. The aforementioned parties will process your personal data only in accordance with our instructions and will assume responsibility and liability for confidentiality.
    We have developed ways to respond to any suspected leakage of personal data and are required by law to notify you and any applicable regulatory agencies of such violations.

  12. Information security incident notice

    If we become aware of an information security breach that may result in the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, customer data or personal data (each, an "information security incident"), we will, without delay, immediately (1) notify the Data Controller of the information security incident; and (2) work with the Data Controller to take reasonable steps to mitigate the impact of the information security incident and reduce potential losses.
    Notice of information security incidents will be sent to the data subject by the Data Controller.
    The parties named in this Privacy Policy will use their reasonable efforts to assist the Data Controller in meeting its obligations under the Republic of Singapore’s “Personal Data Protection Act 2012” and Article 33 of the “GDPR” or other applicable laws to report the information security incident to the relevant regulatory agencies and the data subjects.
    In this chapter, our describing our obligations to report or respond to an information security incident does not mean that we acknowledge our negligence or liability related to information security incidents.
    The Data Controller must promptly notify us of any potential data misuse.

  13. Data access rights

    You have the right to make requests to:

    1. Obtain personal data we hold about you. You will need to contact your Data Controller.
    2. Correct your personal data when it is incorrect, out of date or incomplete. You will need to contact your Data Controller to correct the data.
    3. Request that we stop using your personal data.
    4. After you withdraw your consent, we will stop processing any personal data that requires your consent.

    If you wish to modify or remove personally identifiable information we hold about you, please contact your Data Controller with the specific request. The above data access rights do not include the ability to modify or remove clickstream data, inadvertently collected as described in the "Protection of personal and sensitive information" above, or information shared with third party collaborative vendors as permitted by this Privacy Policy.

    If you would like to review your personal data held by us, please approach the contact window for a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) form, which will be provided to you within 30 business days. You will be asked to submit two types of identified certificates dated within the last three months to the Data Controller for the DSAR.
    If you wish to file a complaint, you can approach the contact window, which will respond within 30 days.

  14. Legal basis

    Legitimate interest means that we have a business interest in operating and managing our business in a way that provides you with the best possible services/products and the best possible security experience. Before processing your personal data for our legitimate interests, we will ensure that we consider carefully and determine any potential positive or negative impacts on you and your rights. We will not use your personal data for activities that affect you more than our interests (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted by laws). You can contact us for further information about how we assess our legitimate interests to avoid potential impacts on you in particular activities.
    Performance of a contract refers to measures taken to perform a contract to which you are one of the contracting parties or respond to your request before the contract is concluded, so that your data will be processed as needed.
    Compliance with laws or regulatory obligations means processing your data as necessary to comply with laws or to meet our regulatory obligations.

  15. Your legal rights

    You have the following rights:
    To request access to your personal data (commonly referred to as a "data subject’s access request"). This request allows you to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold about you and check whether we process such data according to the laws.
    To request correction of the personal data we hold about you. Although we will need to check the accuracy of the new data you provide, this request allows you to correct incomplete or incorrect data that we have about you.
    To request deletion of your personal data. You may request that we delete or remove personal data when we have no legitimate reason to continue processing your personal data. You also have the right to request that we delete or remove your personal data after you have successfully exercised your right to object to the processing (see "Objection to data processing" below for details). For example, if we process your personal data illegally, or if we are required to delete your personal data to comply with local laws and regulations. Please note, however, that we may not be able to complete your data deletion request for specific legal reasons, and we will notify you if there is an applicable legal reason when you make such a request. Your request will be processed within 90 days in accordance with our company policy.
    Objection to data processing means objecting to our processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests or those of a third party, as well as in special circumstances relating to you, where you believe that the data processing would affect your fundamental rights and freedoms so you object to it from this position. You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. In some cases, we will demonstrate that we have a compelling legitimate position to process your data that overrides your rights and freedoms.
    To request restrictions on the processing of your personal data. Under the following circumstances, you may ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data: (a) if you want us to confirm the accuracy of the data; (b) if we are using the data unlawfully but you do not want us to delete it; (c) if you need us to continue to hold the data even though we no longer need it in order to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim; or (d) if you have objected to our use of your data, but we need to check whether there is an overriding legitimate reason for continuing to use the data. At the direction of the Data Controller, we will carry out data processing operations to produce our data package products. Your Data Controller will receive selected reports to meet their business needs.
    To request the transmission of your personal data to you or a third party. We will provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format to you or a third party collaborative vendor of your choice. Please note that this right applies only to automated information that you initially provided and consented to our use, or information that we use to fulfill our contract with you.
    To withdraw the consent on which we rely to process your personal data at any time. However, this will not affect the legality of the data processing we undertake prior to your withdrawing your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to provide you with certain products or services. We will inform you if there are any of the above circumstances when you withdraw your consent.

  16. Data retention

    Under the following circumstances, we will retain the information described above for up to three years from the initial date of data collection for as long as the information remains valuable to us in providing services to our customers or is necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and fulfill agreements. If you opt out of the survey program and follow the instructions in the Remove the Applications chapter, we will no longer collect data from you, but we will continue to use the data collected prior to the removal of the Applications unless you contact us in accordance with the data access rights chapter.

  17. Children's privacy

    We do not collect personal information from users under the age of 15 for use by the online research team. If we do attempt to collect personal information from users under the age of 15 in the future, we will obtain verifiable parental consent, where applicable, and comply with the “Children's Online Privacy Protection Act” and all applicable data protection laws.

  18. Privacy Policy changes

    If we use your personal information in a manner different from that described in our Privacy Policy when collecting data, your Data Controller will send an email notification. If we make changes to our privacy practices to the extent that will not affect information stored in our database or future information collection, your Data Controller will post an announcement on the website informing members of the change and asking them to pay attention to the revised Privacy Policy.

  19. Contact us

    If we hold any personally identifiable information about you, you may contact the Data Controller to request for your contact information to be corrected, updated, or deleted.

    If you have questions about this Policy, the data collected by the Applications, or have other privacy-related concerns, please contact the Data Controller.
    To contact the DPO of the Data Controller's, please send a message to [email protected]
    To contact the DPM of the Data Processor, RealityMine, please send a message to [email protected]
    To contact the DPM of the Data Processor, EK2A, please send a message to [email protected]

Video Research Terms of service

The following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") apply to your use of the data collection application (hereinafter referred to as "App") provided by Media Partners Asia Research Services Pte. Ltd. hereinafter referred to as ("MPA", "we", "us" or "our"). The App is provided by MPA whose registered address is 45A Amoy Street, Singapore 068971.

The Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you, as a user of the App, and MPA. By downloading, installing and using the App, you acknowledge that you have fully read, understood and agreed to all of the Terms and all other applicable regulations. If you do not fully agree to all of the Terms, you must uninstall the App from your mobile, portable or desktop device (hereinafter referred to as "Device").

You may have downloaded the App as a result of participating in our marketing research program. We will use the App to collect personal information about your mobile device usage. The App will install software on your Device, collect data from your Device (hereinafter referred to as "Meter") and/or create profiles or extension programs on your Device, redirect all data generated for you and your Device to us, enabling us to collect data from our servers. Whether the data is collected through the Meter or browser extension program, we will only use the data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  1. Privacy Policy

    The App is provided for use to collect information about you and your use of the Device in accordance with the Privacy Policy. You should read the Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, disclose and manage information. If you do not agree with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, please uninstall the App.

  2. Use of the App

    We hereby grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited authorization to download the App for your limited, private, non-commercial, and lawful use on your Device, subject to and in accordance with the Terms. MPA owns all copyrights, trademarks, other intellectual property rights, and proprietary rights to the contents of the App or any software, images, or design used in connection with the App. Except as provided in the Terms, you agree not to reproduce, distribute externally, or modify any part of the App or derivative products without MPA's prior written consent. MPA reserves all rights not granted here in the Terms.
    You declare and guarantee that you have the right to install and use the App on the Device on which it is installed.
    Both parties may terminate the authorization at any time. We may deactivate the App on your Device immediately, with or without providing notice.
    You can deactivate the App at any time by following the exit options and App removal instructions below:

    1. If you are using an Android mobile phone, you can simply open “Settings”, scroll down to “Apps”, find RealityMeter and click “Uninstall”. This action will also delete the VPN profile. You will then need to delete the Root Certificate from the settings.
    2. If you are using an iPhone, just click on the App icon. When the "X" appears on the top of RealityMeter, click on the "X" to delete the App. Then to delete the VPN profile from the Device, you must go to “Settings”, “General”, “Profiles” to remove the VPN profile and Root Certificate.
    3. If you are using a Windows device, find RealityMeter in “Programs and Features”, double-click it, open the installation wizard, and click “Uninstall”. After completing the above steps, the system will automatically remove all browser extension features.
    4. If you are using an OSX device, please force quit RealityMeter, drag and drop the App to the trash can, and then empty the trash can. After completing the above steps, the system will automatically remove all browser extension features.

    The App will then stop collecting and transmitting information about you. Please note that in accordance with our Privacy Policy, we will continue to use the information collected and sent to us before you discontinue using the App. Upon termination of your authorization, you should immediately stop using the App and remove all or partial copies of the App, other specific forms of the App, and confidential MPA information in your possession or control.
    If you fail to comply with any of the Terms, we may (without prejudice to any other rights we may have) suspend or immediately terminate your access to the App or other applicable account or service.
    You agree to indemnify and hold MPA, its officers, employees, business partners and agents harmless from and against any claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debts, and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees) arising out of (i) any breach by you of the Terms or (ii) any breach by you of applicable laws or any agreements or provisions between you and a third party.
    Please note that your Device must meet our minimum standard technical specifications and compatibility notices in order to use the App. We recommend checking the specifications first to ensure that your computer or portable device is compatible with the App. We are not responsible for any failure due to incompatibility with the App (including but not limited to the minimum storage capacity and memory requirements that may occasionally be required).

  3. Warranty and liability

    The App and all contents, features and characteristics covered by the App (hereinafter referred to as "Materials") are provided "as is" without warranty or declaration of any kind, either express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by laws, MPA does not guarantee satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose or that the contents and information displayed on the App are accurate, complete, current, or does not infringe upon the rights of any third party. MPA does not guarantee that the features contained in the Materials will be uninterrupted or error-free. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Terms, and to the extent permitted by laws, we make no other declarations, guarantees or recourses, express or implied. We hereby exclude all other terms, declarations and guarantees that may be implied from the contents of the Terms.
    We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the App is free of viruses or other malicious contents, but neither we nor any third parties involved in the creation of the App will be liable. We will not be liable for any damage caused by destruction to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property that you use for access, the App or any material, data, text, image, video or audio that you download from the App. Except as otherwise required by laws, MPA shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses or other malicious and harmful contents that may be accessed by or through the App.

  4. Information generated by your use of the App

    Any information, data, reports, analyses and results (hereinafter referred to as "Data") generated after the App is installed on your Device are the property of MPA. We have no obligation to use, collect, or analyze any Data about you.

  5. Modification and changes

    We reserve the right to modify the Terms or the features, characteristics, and contents of the App at any time. We may automatically update the App on your Device. Changes to the Terms will be posted on our website or otherwise notified to you. Please be sure to visit our website regularly. If you wish to take advantage of the changes, you may need to download a new version of the App.
    Articles 7 and 8 are subject to change by the customer in accordance with local jurisdiction.

  6. Rights of third parties

    The Terms apply only between you and MPA and may not be enforced by any third party other than MPA's partners.

  7. Governing laws and jurisdiction

    The Terms apply to the laws of England and Wales and any cause of action or dispute arising out of or in connection with the Terms shall be exclusively under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
    You are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws relating to the use of, or in connection with, the App. For example, if the App or the activities contemplated by the App would in any way violate any laws outside the jurisdiction of England or attempt any illegal activity, you will be prohibited from accessing or using the App, and this will override all other provisions of the Terms.
    Users with any questions should contact the ShareParty team, an MPA partner, for further inquiries.

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